Preparation of Artwork for Submission
Print friendly version
For Advertising
See full print advertising information. In general, unless you have in-house design staff, we highly recommend using the services of a freelance professional graphic designer (see the yellow pages under “graphic design”), or an ad agency. We require press quality Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which will have fonts embedded, and images of at least 300 ppi, and in grayscale color space.
Illustrations for UW Press Journal Articles
Submit copies of all proposed illustrations for purposes of initial manuscript evaluation. These should be consecutively numbered and accompanied by a separate list of fully descriptive captions and/or information about format, etc. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the editors may reduce the overall number of illustrations and choose instead representative images that illustrate key points. The editors will request original versions of all approved artwork and reserve the right to reject any illustration that does not meet quality standards. Web images are generally not acceptable, as they are typically 72 dpi and print requires 300 dpi or greater. Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint images and charts are not acceptable for print. Since the Press cannot begin typesetting an article until all illustrations are in hand and approved, all original illustrations must accompany the final manuscript submitted to the editorial offices. Delays may bump publication of an article to a future issue.
Scanned Art
We ask that contributors please DO NOT supply images that they have scanned. Our printer can scan your original illustrations to the professional standards and exacting parameters needed.
Photographic or other continuous tone images (such as a sketch or drawing with lots of shading) must be scanned (or produced) as a 300 dpi 8-bit grayscale image at the likely final reproduction size at which it will appear in the journal, or higher. A TIF is preferred, but a JPG may be acceptable, provided that it is of the correct resolution and has not been saved more than once, as each save downgrades the quality of the image. If you have a color digital file, print it out in black and white first to get an idea how the image will translate into grayscale and how much image fidelity will be lost in the translation. Please convert any RGB or CMYK mode files to grayscale before submitting the file to us. Use a file naming convention that matches your illustration numbering (e.g. Jones_Fig_3.tif). A printout of the digital image must accompany the submitted file.
If you only have a photographic print available, submit a sharp 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" black & white print or transparencies/slides with good contrast and a range of tonal values. Your recommended cropping of a photo should be indicated on the accompanying set of photocopies. Original photographs, slides, and photos from archival sources will ensure optimum quality in the final printed article. Photographs of previously printed materials (e.g., from any book) and scans from book pages are not recommended unless there truly is no alternative. Negatives are unacceptable. Do not send ink-jet printouts as final artwork, no matter how high the resolution. Do not send scans of slides; send only the original slides—they will be returned. Be aware when submitting color photographs or slides for reproduction in black & white that translation often results in appreciable loss of image fidelity. For a quick check of how color might translate into black and white, photocopy your color artwork and see what happens to the greens and reds in the grayscale world.
Digital Cameras
Publication-quality images require the use of cameras with a minimum of at least 3 megapixels, and the camera should be set to utilize its maximum resolution capability. Poor quality images from digital cameras displaying insufficient resolution and tonal values cannot be accepted.
Line Art, Graphs and Maps
Line art consists of a black on white illustration containing no shades of gray or tonal variation. Maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams frequently fall into this category. On line art such as maps or bar charts, shading with screen tints should not be used (they do not reproduce well). If there is text on your line art, such as place names or other identifiers, ensure that the type will be legible if reduction will be needed to make the illustration fit the journal page (you can use a copy machine to reduce the art and get an idea of how things will look at a smaller size). Maps and other complex line art should be prepared by a cartographer, graphic artist, or professional drafter. Line art illustration which must be scanned should be at 600 dpi, at the likely final size at which it will appear in the journal, and saved as a grayscale TIF file. However, it is preferable to produce the art in a vector-based program such as Adobe Illustrator, converting fonts to outlines, and saving as an EPS file. Use a file naming convention that matches your illustration numbering (Jones_Fig_2.eps). A printout of the digital image must accompany the submitted EPS file.
Architectural and GIS Images
Authors using geospatial applications to produce architectural renderings, composite map images, orthophotos, digital elevation and terrain models, 3D visualizations, etc., should supply a hard-copy printout of the final illustration, but also provide the file. Layouts from programs like AutoCAD, ArcView, and ArcGIS should be saved or exported in TIF or EPS file format.
Illustration Permissions
Contributors need to obtain written permission to use any illustration that is copyrighted, has been obtained from an archival source, or has been scanned or photographed from an existing copyrighted publication (a bad idea from a quality standpoint—see moiré pattern). Permission must be obtained before the Journal can consider including such illustrations in any article. Parties granting permission will normally indicate the exact wording of the required credit line, and this should be included with an illustration's descriptive caption. Please consult with the editors in advance concerning questions of rights and permissions. For questions about artwork permissions, fair use, public domain, etc., feel free to contact the UW Press Rights and Permissions, permissions@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu.
With the exception of Native Plants Journal, most UW Press journals do not print in color. However, for Ecological Restoration and Landscape Journal, authors may elect to pay to have their articles appear in 4-color. Depending on the size of the article and/or amount of images, authors may choose either an a 4-page, an 8-page, or a 16-page signature. The fee for a 4-page signature is $650. The fee for an 8-page signature is $700. The fee for a 16-page signature is $950. Upon manuscript acceptance, please indicate your wish to print in color to the managing editor.
.doc, .docx, Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is a very robust and useful word processor. Unfortunately Word does not support graphic formats for use in publishing. Though Word is fine for copy submissions, DO NOT USE for layouts, ads, charts, or heavily formatted or graphic laden content.
.eps (Encapsulated Postscript) This is the file format to use for line illustrations produced in vector-based illustration software such as Adobe Illustrator. This format preserves all original illustration data, and is very flexible for resizing without losing image quality. When using this format convert all type to paths before submitting. Doing so will ensure proper reproduction of your fonts used in the illustration.
.jpg (or JPEG) This format reduces the file size a great deal, but in the process of compression, image integrity can be irretrievably lost. If you use this format, set the quality to maximum. This format is NOT SUGGESTED.
Moiré Patterns result when an image from a printed book (or magazine or newspaper) is reused and as a consequence re-screened. The pattern looks like a veil of fabric superimposed on the image. In some cases it can make the image unusable. The process of scanning previously screened art is very difficult and we recommend shipping us the original so we can produce the best possible results. Of course original continuous tone photo prints will avoid this moire problem, so these are highly recommended whenever possible.
.pdf, Adobe Acrobat This compressed file format was developed to make complex typeset files containing text and images (like a newsletter) readable by all computer platforms, and for posting to web sites for easy downloading. This format is recommended for advertising art submissions. Just make sure that you embed all fonts used and do not downsample images below 300 dpi. The easiest way to accomplish this is to print or export a "Press Quality" PDF. If at all possible, PDF should be created from electronic files, NOT scans.
.ppt or .pps, PowerPoint We DO NOT accept any data in this format.
.tif (TIFF). This format preserves all of an image's data; no image quality is lost to compression. The preferred file format for photographs or other continuous tone images.
.xls, xlsx (Microsoft Excel). Microsoft Excel does not store charts or graphs in a manner that enables us to extract them for use in publishing. Please DO NOT USE this format for art submissions.
Technical questions?
In addition to consulting with the journal’s editorial offices, authors are encouraged to call or email the University Press anytime for guidance concerning use of illustrations:
John Ferguson, Production Manager
608 263-0669
Toni Gunnison, Marketing
608 263-0753