The editors invite the submission of manuscripts reporting results of research and scholarly investigation relating to landscape design, planning, and management. Correspondence and proposals for potential manuscripts are welcome.
Submission of a paper to Landscape Journal implies that it has neither been published elsewhere nor is under consideration by another periodical. All submissions will be through an electronic submission system at
Complete manuscript guidelines may be downloaded here.
Please see our Artwork Preparation Guidelines.
Want to Print in Color?
Authors may elect to pay to have their articles appear in 4-color. Depending on the size of the article and/or amount of images, authors may choose either an a 4-page, an 8-page, or a 16-page signature. The fee for a 4-page signature is $650. The fee for an 8-page signature is $700. The fee for a 16-page signature is $950. Upon manuscript acceptance, please indicate your wish to print in color to the managing editor.
Editorial Offices:
Landscape Journal
Department of Landscape Architecture
College of Agriculture, Food and Environment
University of Kentucky
S-305 Agriculture Science North
1100 South Limestone Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0091
Phone: (859) 257-7205
Book Review Editor
Please send book review information to