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Luso-Brazilian Review
Kathryn Bishop-Sánchez, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Portuguese Literature 1800–present, Portuguese Linguistics, Brazilian Cultural Studies)
Peter M. Beattie, Michigan State University (History and Social Sciences)
Luís Madureira, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Lusophone Africa and Asia, Portuguese Literature to 1799, Brazilian Literature to 1899)
Pedro Meira Monteiro, Princeton University (Brazilian Literature 1900–present)
ISSN: 0024-7413,
e-ISSN: 1548-9957
Published twice per year: Summer, Winter
Luso-Brazilian Review publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on Portuguese, Brazilian, and Lusophone African cultures, with special emphasis on scholarly works in literature, history, and the social sciences. Each issue of the Luso-Brazilian Review includes articles and book reviews, which may be written in either English or Portuguese.
Celebrating 50 Years of the Luso-Brazilian Review
In 2015, the Luso-Brazilian Review marks 50 years of continued publication as a biannual, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to stimulating and disseminating research on the Portuguese-speaking world. Founded in 1964 by Professor Alberto Machado da Rosa and published by the University of Wisconsin Press, the Luso-Brazilian Review has been edited or co-edited by professors from the University of Wisconsin Department of Spanish and Portuguese since its inception. Over the five decades of its publication, the LBR has benefited from the collaboration a wide range of well-known scholars from throughout the world. It currently enjoys a reputation as the foremost interdisciplinary publication in the field of Luso-Brazilian Studies in the U.S., and one of the journals with the longest uninterrupted publishing history.
As the current editors of the LBR have continued the practice of seeking to include a variety of topics and critical approaches, the journal has become a key venue for the publication of in-depth studies of the various national cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world. It also has become an important resource for the continued reassessment of the role played by language, literature, geography and history in a world that is increasingly, yet unevenly, globalized and transnational. Portuguese is the official language of eight countries on four different continents and the LBR regularly includes articles authored by national and international scholars whose teaching and research center on the networks that link these countries. The editors are dedicated to maintaining open discussions regarding the models and methodologies will best lead to new modes of production of knowledge about the Lusophone world.
In an effort to maintain and further the Review’s eminence in the field of Luso-Brazilian Studies, the Co-editors and members of the Review’s Editorial Board organized a two-day conference entitled “Celebrating 50 Years of the Luso-Brazilian Review” to mark the journal’s 50th anniversary. This conference, held April 20–21, 2012, brought together researchers and writers from the U.S. and abroad who are specialists in literature, history, and the social sciences. Speakers assessed the current state of Luso-Brazilian Studies in the U.S. academy and abroad, and discussed the methodological trends that are shaping research conducted on and in the Portuguese-speaking world. Please click here to download the conference program.
Special Issues:
The Politics of Culture in Brazil’s Twentieth-Century Historiography, vol. 36 #2, Available on JSTOR
State, Society, and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Brazil, vol. 37 #2, Available on JSTOR
500 Years of Brazil: Global and Cultural Perspectives, vol. 38 #2, Available on JSTOR
Portuguese Cultural Studies, vol. 39 #2
António Vieira and the Luso-Brazilian Baroque, vol. 40 #1
Luso-Brazilian Studies in the New Millennium, vol. 40 #2
‘ReCapricorning’ the Atlantic, vol. 45 #1
Machado de Assis, vol. 46 #1
New Perspectives on Brazilian Instrumental Music, vol. 48 #1
Brazilian Slavery and its Legacies, vol. 50 #1
Luso-Brazilian Review, vol. 50 no. 1 p. 53-82. "South Atlantic Exchanges The Role of Brazilian-Born Agents in Benguela, 1650–18501", correct title is "South Atlantic Exchanges The Role of Brazilian-Born Agents in Benguela, 1650–1850"
Society Discounts:
Available on Project MUSE and JSTOR
Back Issues
Some back issues for Luso-Brazilian Review are available online as part of a paid subscription. Anyone may view TOC's, abstracts, and a free sample issue at lbr.uwpress.org. Access may also be purchased on a limited term basis for a specific article or issue.
Print back issues may be purchased from the University of Wisconsin Press here.
Single articles may be purchased online at lbr.uwpress.org or through the JSTOR archive. Print copies of single articles may be ordered here.