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Edited by Hans Adler, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Book Review Editor: Sabine Gross, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Editorial Assistant: Ian McQuistion, University of Wisconsin–Madison
ISSN: 0026-9271,
e-ISSN: 1934-2810
Published four times per year
Monatshefte has been published continuously since 1899 at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The first issue, published December 1899, was called “Pädagogische Monatshefte—Zeitschrift für das deutschamerikanische Schulwesen.” Though we’re now a quarterly journal devoted to German literature and culture, Monatshefte has retained its place at the forefront of American Germanistik.
In addition to the articles on topics from all periods of German literature and book reviews of current scholarship in German Studies which can be found in each issue of Monatshefte, the Winter issue (#4) of each volume contains our annual Personalia listing. Personalia is an indispensable listing of new hires, retirements, promotions and visiting professors. Personalia also contains a comprehensive listing of German Studies faculty and departments in the USA and Canada, and it comes with a list of all Ph.D. theses that have been defended in the preceding year.
Monatshefte is published under the auspices of the Department of German at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Special Issues:
Rereading Adorno, Monatshefte Vol. 94 #1, available on JSTOR
Johann Gottfried Herder 1744–1803, Monatshefte vol. 95 #2
Integrität, Monatshefte vol. 97 #2
Encounters with Schiller, Monatshefte vol. 97 #3
The Art of Hearing, Monatshefte vol. 98 #2
Dea Loher, Monatshefte vol. 99 #3
100th Volume Special Issue, Monatshefte vol. 100 #1
Writing in Images, Monatshefte vol. 102 #3
H.G. Adler—Dichter Gelehrter Zeuge, Monatshefte vol. 103 #2
Kafkas Spätstil/Kafka’s Late Style, Monatshefte vol. 103 #3
Observation in Science and Literature, Monatshefte vol. 105 #3
Measuring the World, Monatshefte vol. 108 #3
Weimar Photography in Context, Monatshefte vol. 109 #2
Monatshefte’s 100th Volume
From the Editor
Greetings from the Profession
Available on Project MUSE and JSTOR
Back Issues
Some back issues of Monatshefte are available online as part of a paid subscription. Anyone may view TOC’s, abstracts, and a sample issue for free at mon.uwpress.org. Access may also be purchased on a limited term basis for a specific article or issue.
All back issues of Monatshefte are available online in the JSTOR archive as part of the Arts & Sciences V collection.
Print back issues may be purchased from the University of Wisconsin Press here.
Single articles may be purchased online at mon.uwpress.org or through the JSTOR archive. Print copies of single articles may be ordered here.
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