Journal Proposals
Located in Madison, Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin Press was founded in 1936. The Press is a full-service serials publisher and has been in the business of publishing journals since 1965. Our staff of specialists in production, marketing, customer service, advertising sales, and finance bring added value to every issue published. Our non-commercial approach helps contain costs, and keeps resources within the academy.
We welcome the opportunity to consider the addition of your title to our list and invite you to submit materials that will help us come to an informed decision about publishing your journal.
When submitting your proposal please be sure to include the following:
A general description of the journal that includes subject area(s) covered, an analysis of its contribution to scholarship in the field(s) covered, intellectual level, etc.
Publishing frequency (e.g. quarterly, annual, etc.)
Details on disciplines and sub-disciplines covered
An analysis of the expected market for the journal including information on related scholarly organizations
Information on competing journals in the field and an explanation of the uniqueness of your title
Curricula vitae for the editor(s) and a list of editorial board(s) members
For new journals, suggested contents of the first two issues (need not be titles of actual articles but should indicate the kind of articles, subject areas, and potential authors you plan to include)
Details about financial and other support available (from host institution, granting agencies, sponsor, etc.)
Names of appropriate references
For existing journals also include:
A breakdown of the list, including numbers of individual and institutional, domestic and foreign subscribers
Current subscription prices and foreign postage surcharges
A report on income by source (e.g. subscriptions, single issue sales, advertising sales, list rentals, label sales, bookstore sales, subsidiary rights, sublicensing, etc.)
Details of any standing bookstore accounts, distribution agreements, secondary publishing agreements, cooperative web or sales agreements (e.g., Project Muse, CCC), etc.
Details of any current production arrangements (i.e., who does copyediting and proofreading, where the journal is currently printed, by whom composed, etc.)
Tables of contents from several recent issues
Several sample issues
Plans for upcoming special issues
Several recent production invoices
An inventory report on back stock and an indication of what your current publisher will expect for it (i.e. transfer without charge, sell at unit cost, etc.)
Details on licensing rights for back issues (who owns? will they transfer?)
Please direct correspondence regarding journal proposals to:
UW Press
Journals Manager
Voice: 608-263-0667
Thank you for your interest in University of Wisconsin Press Journals.