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Native Plants Journal Guidelines for Contributors

The objective of Native Plants Journal is to provide a forum for dispersing practical information about the planting and growing of North American (Canada, Mexico, and U.S.) native plants for conservation, restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors, and so on. Native Plants Journal solicits papers that are useful to and understandable by growers and planters of native plants and papers that contribute significantly to scientific literature. Therefore, contributions from scientists and workers in the field are welcome. If your information is within the scope of this journal and worthy of publication, our editors will be glad to guide you in preparing your manuscript.


For complete author guidelines and to submit potential manuscripts, please visit Native Plants Journal Submissions.


Have a great idea for an article but don't have time or need help writing? We can help. Contact us for assistance or for other questions:

Stephen Love
Editor, Native Plants Journal
University of Idaho
Aberdeen Research & Extension Center
1693 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210




Candace J Akins
Managing Editor, Native Plants Journal


For Illustrations: Please read our Artwork Preparation Guidelines.

Native Plants Journal

Editorial Offices:

Stephen Love

Editor, Native Plants Journal
University of Idaho
Aberdeen Research & Extension Center
1693 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210

(208) 397-4181

Candace J Akins
Managing Editor, Native Plants Journal