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American Orthoptic Journal Supporting Subscribers

American Orthoptic Journal appreciates the support of every journal subscriber. We wish to recognize the following Supporter Level Subscribers, who help ensure that American Orthoptic Journal has a healthy future for years to come.


Supporter Level Subscribers vol. 64, 2013/2014

Michael J. Bartiss, O.D., M.D.

Yasmin Bradfield, M.D.

Theresa Casey, M.B.B.S.

Stephen Christiansen, M.D.

Joseph L. Demer, M.D. Ph.D.

Robert W. Enzenauer, M.D.

Thomas France, M.D.

Arthur Jampolsky, M.D.

Stephen P. Kraft, M.D.

Burton Kushner, M.D.

Marta Halfeld Ferrari Alves Lacordia, M.D.

Sharon Lehman, M.D.

Andrew J. Levada, M.D.

Susannah Longmuir, M.D.

Charles S. McCash, M.D.

David G. Morrison, M.D.

Todd J. Murdock, M.D.

Kalpana Narendram, M.D.

Michael O’Connor, M.D.

Richard J. Olson, M.D.

Gregory Ostrow, M.D.

T. Otis Paul, M.D.

Mariza Polati, M.D.

Edward L. Raab, M.D., J.D.

James D. Reynolds, M.D.

Kenneth Romanchuk, M.D.

Sebastian J. Troia, M.D.

Galton Vasconcelos, M.D.

Roberto Warman, M.D.

David T. Wheeler, M.D.

Robert Wiggins, M.D.

Agnes M. Wong, M.D.




Supporter Level Subscribers vol. 63, 2012/2013

Evan A. Ballard, M.D.

Yasmin Bradfield, M.D.

Monte A. Del Monte, M.D.

Robert W. Enzenauer, M.D.

Thomas D. France, M.D.

David M. Gamm, M.D.

Charles S. McCash, M.D.

Marilyn T. Miller, M.D.

David G. Morrison, M.D.

Maria Patterson, M.D.

Steven Rosenberg, M.D.

Roberto Warman, M.D.




Supporter Level Subscribers vol. 62, 2011/2012

Brian Arthur

Francine Marie Baran

Yasmin Bradfield

Edward G. Buckley

Robert W. Enzenauer

John Flynn

Thomas D. France

Elizabeth Gayeski

Sherwin Isenberg

Arthur Jampolsky

Anthony Pruett Johnson

Charles McCash

David G. Morrison

Michael O’Connor

Gregory Ostrow

Maria Portellos Patterson

James D. Reynolds

Steven Rubin

Robert R. Strome

Elias I. Traboulsi

Roberto Warman

Agnes M. Wong

Kenneth W. Wright




Supporter Level Subscribers vol. 61, 2010/2011

David G. Hunter

Christie Morse

Richard S. Muchnick

Steven Rubin

David Silbert

Richard G. Weaver

Edward G. Buckley

Michael John Bartiss

Anthony Pruett Johnson

Craig A. Mckeown

Roberto Warman

Howard L Freedman

Nancy Benegas

David G. Morrison

Elias I. Traboulsi

Susannah Q. Longmuire

Maria Portellos Patterson

Cameron Parsa

Burton Kushner

Yasmin Bradfield

Thomas D. France

Neil J. Lucchese

Shannon Cabrera

Nathalie F Azar

Alan B. Richards

R Michael Siatkowski

Tomas D. Tredici

Aaron M. Miller

Charles S. McCash

Melinda Rainey

Robert W. Enzenauer

Brian Nichols

Kenneth W. Wright

Gregory Ostrow

Francine Marie Baran

Megumi Iizuka

Ian H. Clark

Frank Joseph Martin

Michael O’Connor

Brian W Arthur

Jan-Tjeerd H. De Faber