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Volume 93, Number 4, Winter 2001 Table of Contents

Texts and Documents

Walter Helmut Fritz
Drei neue Prosagedichte
Walter Helmut Fritz, a member of the lyrical generation of 1929 (Enzensberger, Kunert, etc.) and author of numerous volumes of fine poetry and prose, needs no introduction, all the more so since he has been featured in Monatshefte repeatedly. It should be noted, though, that what distinguishes his work is, among other things, his rich and ever-increasing output of prose poems; in fact, Fritz can be rightly said to be the most prolific as well as most consummate representative of this genre, and not only in German letters but worldwide. His “Drei neue Prosagedichte” is published here for the first time. (RG) (In German)


Paul Peters
Witness to the Execution: Kafka and Colonialism
Kafka’s celebrated story In der Strafkolonie has been the object of many interpretations, particularly of the theological or formalist bent: as a text on the agonies of faith, or on the agonies of writing. Even where it has been interpreted more politically, the fact that it might have had a concrete historical background (other than that of the Dreyfus case) has seldom been considered. The article proposes such a reading, identifying this background as that of European colonialism; for Kafka’s text is not only replete with telltale colonial motifs, its very subject may be understood as a depiction of the “primal scene” of colonialism: the application of arbitrary violence and “overwhelming force” to subjugate an indigenous population. Bringing the classic anticolonialist analyses of Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, and Albert Memmi, as well as examples of imperial narrative and practice itself, into a type of interface with Kafka’s story, historical and political dimensions of this text may be disclosed which have hitherto eluded commentary. (PP)


Matthew Griffin
Image and Ideology in the Work of Heiner Müller
“Image” has emerged as a key concept in discussions of Heiner Müller’s work as critics have sought to defend his work against accusations of its being ideologically suspect. The ability of Müller’s images to resist the inflections of ideology has been applauded but little attention has been given to the way the author constructs his imagery. This article examines Müller’s discourse on the image in texts ranging from his early lyric poetry to his theater texts of the 1970s and to the more theoretical formulations in essays and statements from the early 1980s. The theories of language and art developed here tell us that the image is as fundamental to the author’s own thinking of his work as it is to our thinking of that work’s relationship to ideology. (MG)



Introduction, German Departments in the U.S.A., German Departments in Canada, Promotions, New Appointments, Visitors, Retirements, Necrology, Doctoral Dissertations, Summary

Book Reviews

Bock, Wolfgang, Walter Benjamin—Die Rettung der Nacht: Sterne, Melancholie und Messianismus. (Marcus Bullock)

Bryant-Bertail, Sarah, Space and Time in Epic Theater: The Brechtian Legacy. (Norman Roessler)

Duncan, Bruce, Lovers, Parricides, and Highwaymen: Aspects of Sturm und Drang Drama. (William Hanson)

Eibl, Karl, Fotis Jannidis und Marianne Willems, Hrsg., Der junge Goethe in seiner Zeit. Texte und Kontexte. Sämtliche Werke, Briefe, Tagebücher und Schriften bis 1775. (Burkhard Henke)

Furness, Raymond, Zarathustra’s Children: A Study of a Lost Generation of German Writers. (James Rolleston)

Garber, Jörn, Wahrnehmung—Konstruktion—Text. Bilder des Wirklichen im Werk Georg Forsters. (Thomas P. Saine)

Goldenbaum, Ursula und Alexander Košenina, Hrsg., Berliner Aufklärung: Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien. (Jens Kruse)

Gräff, Thomas, Lyrik von der Romantik bis zur Jahrhundertwende. (Raimund Belgardt)

Guarda, Sylvain, Schach von Wuthenow, Die Poggenpuhls und Stechlin: Fontanes innere Reisen in die Unterwelt. (Robert L. Jamison)

Hanuschek, Sven, Therese Hörnigk und Christine Malende, Hrsg., Schriftsteller als Intellektuelle. Politik und Literatur im Kalten Krieg. (David N. Coury)

Holdenried, Michaela, Hrsg., Geschriebenes Leben: Autobiographik von Frauen. (Barbara Kosta)

Izenberg, Gerald N., Modernism & Masculinity: Mann, Wedekind, Kandinsky through World War I. (Rachel Freudenburg)

Kirby, Rachel, The Culturally Complex Individual: Franz Werfel’s Reflections on Minority Identity and Historical Depiction in The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. (Terry R. Reisch)

Konzett, Matthias, The Rhetoric of National Dissent in Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke, and Elfriede Jelinek. (Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger)

Kord, Susanne, Little Detours. The Letters and Plays of Luise Gottsched (1713–1762). (Katherine R. Goodman)

McGlathery, James M., E. T. A. Hoffmann. (Friedrich Ulfers)

Meurer, Hans Joachim, Cinema and National Identity in a Divided Germany 1979–1989: The Split Screen. (Sabine Hake)

Morrison, Jeffrey, Winckelmann and the Notion of Aesthetic Education. (Robert Gould)

Murphy, G. Ronald, The Owl, The Raven, and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms’ Magic Fairy Tales. (Jack Zipes)

O’Doherty, Paul, The Portrayal of Jews in GDR Prose Fiction. (Gregory Baer)

Ragg-Kirkby, Helena, Adalbert Stifter’s Late Prose: The Mania for Moderation. (Karen J. Campbell)

Rossol, Hildegard, Weltbild und Bildsprache im Werk Irmtraud Morgners. Eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Amanda. Ein Hexenroman. (Sheila K. Johnson)

Schwamborn, Ingrid, ed., Die letzte Partie. Stefan Zweigs Leben und Werk in Brasilien (1932–1942). (Richard C. Figge)

Solms, Wilhelm, Die Moral von Grimms Märchen. (Jack Zipes)

Tacconelli, Luigi, Faust. Reise in die Kulturalität: Von der textuellen Zeichenhaftigkeit zur hypertextuellen Entropie der “Rap”-performativen Ästhetik. (Richard J. Rundell)

Turk, Horst, Hrsg., Kulturelle Grenzziehungen im Spiegel der Literaturen. Nationalismus, Regionalismus, Fundamentalismus. (Nina Berman)

Index Volume 93 (2001)