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American Orthoptic Journal Abstract

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Volume 42, 1992, p. 3035

A/C Ratio Reduction Using 4% Pilocarpine Gel (Abstract)
Julio Prieto-Diaz, M.D.

Accommodative esotropia results from the presence of one or more accommodative deviation factors, such as hypermetropla or an abnormally high AC/A ratio. The treatment of accommodative esotropia should involve decreasing either the AC/A ratio or the accommodative requirement. The purpose of this paper is to analyze AC/A ratios by the gradient method in three different series of patients (orthophoric emmetropes, those with no distance/near disparity, and those with greater than 10 prism diopters of distance/near disparity- all with full plus in place) and the AC/A reduction achieved by miotic therapy. The results obtained by 4% Pilocarpine HCl in a high viscosity acrylic gel (a new drug to the Argentine market), are evaluated and a comparison between this drug's effectiveness and that of 0.125% Phospholine Iodide in managing accommodative esotropia is made.