American Orthoptic Journal Abstract
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Volume 41, 1992, p. 28–30
Evolution of the Orthoptist from Apprentice to University Professor (Abstract)
Evelyn Tomlinson, M.A., C.O.
Initially those wishing to become orthoptists learned through observation at the side of the ophthalmologist. As the need for orthoptists became widely acknowledged, formal training programs were established as were minimal standards of performance and accreditation of programs. For several years the orthoptist operated on a purely technical level. As the depth of ocular motility and its relation to neuro-ophthalmology became recognized, so also did the need for more intense orthoptic training and good orthoptic instructors. Orthoptic training has made vast improvements over the past 50 years. There are now orthoptists teaching in universities with academic ranks to that of Associate Professor.