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Book orders: see How to order
Journal orders: journals orders

General information, catalog and brochure requests: 608-263-1110, Fax 608-263-1132, uwiscpress@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu
Employment and Internships: employment and internships
Royalty information and author address updates: jhahn3@wisc.edu

Professor examination and desk copy requests: see our textbooks page
Media review copy requests: publicity@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Permissions and reprint requests: permissions@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu
Subsidiary rights: rights@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Submitting a book manuscript: book submission guidelines
Submitting a journal article: journals submissions

The University of Wisconsin Press
1930 Monroe Street, 3rd Floor, Madison, WI 53711-2059
Phone: 608-263-1110 | Fax: 608-263-1132 | e-mail: uwiscpress@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu




Fax 608 263-1120

Director, Dennis Lloyd
Phone 608 263-1101, e-mail dlloyd2@wisc.edu
Management, university and community relations, grants and development

Business and Operations Manager, Ryan Pingel
Phone 608 263-1137, e-mail rpingel@wisc.edu
Budget, financial management, grants and development, human resources

Accounting, Pahnia Lee
Phone 608 263-1137, e-mail plee76@wisc.edu
Accounts payable, budget, financial reports

Office Manager, Jim Hahn
Phone 608 263-1128, e-mail jhahn3@wisc.edu
Royalties processing, payroll, inventory confirmations, mail & express, internships & volunteers

Subsidiary Rights and Permissions Manager, Anne McKenna
Phone 608 263-1131, e-mail rights@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Permissions Coordinator



Fax 608 263-1132
Important: Prospective authors, please read our submission guidelines before contacting the editors.

Executive Editor, Raphael Kadushin
Phone 608 263-1062, e-mail kadushin@wisc.edu
Submissions in autobiography/memoir, biography, classical studies, dance and performance studies, film studies, gay/lesbian titles, European history, Jewish studies, Latino/a memoirs, and regional Wisconsin/Great Lakes/Midwest interest

Executive Editor, Gwen Walker
Phone 608 263-1123, e-mail gcwalker@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu
Nonfiction submissions in African studies, anthropology, environmental studies, human rights, Irish studies, Latin American studies, Slavic studies, Southeast Asian studies, U.S. history, and regional Wisconsin/Great Lakes/Midwest interest

Poetry Submissions
Brittingham & Felix Pollak Poetry Prize Contest Guidelines



Fax 608 263-1132

Sales and Marketing Manager, Andrea Christofferson
Phone 608 263-0814, e-mail aschrist@wisc.edu

Communications Director, Sheila Leary
Phone: (608) 263-0734, e-mail: publicity@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Exhibits and Data Manager, Lindsey Meier
Phone 608 263-1136, e-mail lnmeier@wisc.edu

Advertising and Website
Phone 608 263-0733, e-mail advertising@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu or webmaster@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu



Fax 608 263-1120

Managing Editor, Adam Mehring
Phone 608 263-0856, e-mail amehring@wisc.edu

Senior Editor, Sheila McMahon
Phone 608 263-1133, e-mail samcmahon@wisc.edu



Fax 608 263-1120

Production Manager, Terry Emmrich
Phone 608 263-0731, e-mail temmrich@wisc.edu

Compositor/Senior Editor, Scott Lenz
Phone 608 263-0794, e-mail sjlenz@wisc.edu

Assistant Production Manager, Jennifer Conn
Phone 608 263-0732, e-mail jeconn@wisc.edu



Fax 608 263-1173

Journals Manager, Toni Gunnison
Phone 608 263-0667, e-mail journals.manager@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Production Manager, John Ferguson
Phone 608 263-0669, e-mail jtferguson@wisc.edu

Journals Marketing
Phone 608 263-0753, e-mail journal.marketing@wisc.edu

Journals Advertising Manager, Chloe Lauer
Phone 608 263-0534, e-mail journal.ads@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Database Manager and Web Designer, Lisa Hilfiker Mensink
Phone 608 263-9780, e-mail database@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu

Journals Customer Service and Bookkeeper, Rebecca Forbes Wank
Phone 608 263-0668, e-mail journals@wwwtest.uwpress.wisc.edu