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The University of Wisconsin Press awards the Brittingham Prize in Poetry and the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry. Each winning poet will receive a $1,000 cash prize and publication by the University of Wisconsin Press. Prizes are awarded annually to the two best book-length manuscripts of original poetry submitted in an open competition. Each manuscript submitted will be considered for both prizes. There are no restrictions on the kind of poetry or subject matter, although translations are not acceptable. The winners will be announced and the prizes awarded in February of each calendar year, with publishing contracts to follow soon thereafter.

Submission Guidelines

Poets are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically by using our submission manager.


Manuscripts submitted electronically or postmarked July 15th through September 15th of each calendar year will be considered. Manuscripts received before July 15th or after September 15th will be ineligible.


  • All hard copy submissions must be unbound (no binders, clamps, etc., please), typed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, and should be 50–90 manuscript pages in length. Pages should be numbered.
  • Manuscripts must be typed single-spaced with a double space between stanzas.
  • Clean photocopies are acceptable.
  • Manuscripts should have two title pages: one with the title of the manuscript only; and one with the title, poet's name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number.
  • The manuscript must be previously unpublished in book form. Poems published in journals, chapbooks, and anthologies may be included but must be acknowledged.
  • No changes in the manuscript will be considered between submission and acceptance.


  • A $28.00 non-refundable reading fee must accompany each manuscript, and covers entry to both prizes. Please make check or money order payable to "The University of Wisconsin Press." Do not send cash or stamps. Foreign entries: please remit reading fee in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.
  • Manuscripts will not be returned. Please do not enclose return packaging.
  • Hard copy submissions must include a stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope for notification of results (no postcards please).
  • Simultaneous submissions to other contests are permitted provided the poet agrees to inform the Press of the manuscript's acceptance for publication elsewhere.

Qualified readers appointed by the Press will screen all manuscripts. The final selections will be made by a distinguished poet who will remain anonymous until the winner is announced in mid-February.


Brittingham and Pollak Poetry Prizes
c/o Ronald Wallace, UW Press Poetry Series Editor
Department of English
600 N. Park Street
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
E-mail : rwallace@wisc.edu