Authors’ Blogs

Jerry Apps, author of In a Pickle, was born and raised on a Wisconsin farm, and is professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of more than fifteen books, many of them on rural history and country life, such as One-Room Country SchoolsCheeseand Breweries of Wisconsin. He received the 2007 Major Achievement Award from the Council for Wisconsin Writers. His blog is at

Jean Feraca is the author of our Fall 2007 title I Hear Voices. Wisconsin Public Radio’s Distinguished Senior Broadcaster, she is host and executive producer of Here on Earth: Radio without Borders. Feraca has received several honors including the Nation’s Discovery Award and two Hopwood Awards. Recipient of an Ohio State and Gabriel Award for her Women of Spirit radio series, she also received the National Telemedia Council’s Distinguished Media Award for her radio advocacy of people with mental illness. She is author of three collections of poetry. Her blog is

Alistair McCartney, the author of The End of the World Bookteaches creative writing at Antioch University in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in Fence, Bloom, James White Review, and other literary journals as well as in a number of fiction and creative nonfiction anthologies, including Wonderlands: Good Gay Travel Writing, published by the University of Wisconsin Press, and Between Men. Born in Australia, he lives in Los Angeles with his partner, Tim Miller. His blog is at

Tim Miller is an internationally acclaimed performance artist and gay rights activist. He is the author of the books Body Blows and 1001 Beds. He teaches performance at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Theater and is cofounder of Performance Space 122 in New York City and Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, California. His blog is

Mel Miskimen is a lifelong Milwaukee resident and an actor, writer, and humorist who regularly appears on the Higher Ground program on Wisconsin Public Radio. She is the author of Cop’s Kid. You can find her blog here:


  1. I’m currently reading Patricia Skalka’s 3rd novel, Death in Cold Water. I started reading the series 3 days ago, and already I feel compelled to ask if and when another Dave Cubiak Door County Mystery will be published. I am thoroughly enjoying Ms. Skalka’s novels because they take me back to my carefree youth when our family spent 16 summers camping in Peninsula State Park. Oh how I loved that time, and can still return there in my mind when ever I’m in a pine forest near the lake. I currently live in Kentucky, and return to Wisconsin for vacations with my Sister. I took my oldest daughter and son-in-law to the Door several years back. It was so heartwarming to experience first hand the discovery that nothing much has changed, especially in the Park. I’m hoping Ms. Skalka continues to entertain her readers with these wonderful stories for many years to come. Thank you for your kind attention.
    Sincerely, Eileen Stansbury

    1. Patricia is working on the 4th Dave Cubiak Door County Mystery, to be set on Washington Island. We expect it to appear in 2018. Thanks for your interest, and for writing!

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