Studies in Dance History
Studies in Dance History volumes are published and distributed by the UW Press on behalf of the Society of Dance History Scholars.
Founded in 1988, Studies in Dance History aims to further the goals of the Society of Dance History Scholars by making widely available the extraordinarily rich and diverse scholarship that takes dance as its subject. Ranging from new methods of historical inquiry to multiple theoretical perspectives, volumes in the series answer a growing demand for works that provide fresh analytical perspectives on dancing, dancers, and dances in a global context. Each volume in the series is accessible to specialist and layperson alike, providing a valuable resource for scholars and a pleasurable education for the general reader.
Please send all inquiries to Rebecca Rossen, Chair, Editorial Board, Society of Dance History Scholars.
Casebound $45.00 s
ISBN 978-0-299-30870-4
Contemporary Directions in Asian
American Dance
Edited by Yutian Wong
“A methodologically diverse and eclectic approach to Asian American dance studies, where dance is both method and content. These essays illuminate the ways that dance shapes, troubles, and pushes against the contours of what counts as Asian American cultural production. ”
—Priya Srinivasan, author of Sweating Saris
Paper $26.95 s
ISBN 978-0-299-30594-9
Dramaturgy in Motion
At Work on Dance and Movement Performance
Katherine Profeta
“Finally an answer to that vexed question, ‘What is dance dramaturgy?’ This is a brilliantly nuanced account of a new role in contemporary performance, drawing on an extended collaboration but relevant for the entire field.”
—Susan Manning, Northwestern University
Recent and Backlist
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Urban Bush Women
Twenty Years of African American Dance Theater, Community Engagement, and Working It Out
Nadine George-Graves
Spring 2010

Women’s Work
Making Dance in Europe before 1800
Edited by Lynn Matluck Brooks
Fall 2007

Writings by and about Katherine Dunham
Edited by VèVè A. Clark and Sara E. Johnson
Fall 2005

Liebe Hanya
Mary Wigman’s Letters to Hanya Holm
Compiled and edited by Claudia Gitelman, Introduction by Hedwig Müller
Fall 2003

Dancing Many Drums
Excavations in African American Dance
Edited by Thomas F. DeFrantz
Fall 2001

Dancing Desires
Choreographing Sexualities on and off the Stage
Edited by Jane C. Desmond
Spring 2001