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Volume 95, Number 4, Winter 2003 Table of Contents

(Re)Readings—New Readings / Widergelesen—Neu Gelesen

Ernst Robert Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter (1948)


Hinrich C. Seeba
Ernst Robert Curtius: Zur Kulturkritik eines Klassikers in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte


Axel Spree
Das alte Europa. E.R. Curtius: Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter
When Ernst Robert Curtius’s Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter was first published in 1948, it represented a new start after “Deutschkunde” during Nationial Socialism. It was the European perspective of Curtius’s approach—both diachronic and synchronic—that was constitutive for the lively reception during the following two to three decades (the eight edition being published in 1973, the eleventh in 1993). Curtius’s book became one of the cornerstones of the discipline of Comparative Literature in (West) Germany; it was received as a generous invitation to transcend the narrow boundaries of the nationally defined disciplines of literary and cultural scholarship; it re-opened broad perspectives on European literatures via rhetoric and poetics, and Curtius’s “Topik” became a standard element in all introductory courses to literary scholarship until it experienced further development and transformation into more general and theoretically founded directions, such as metaphorology or the research on ‘collective symbols’ (Kollektivsymbol–Forschung). (HA) (Both essays in German)



Max Statkiewicz
Live Metaphor in the Age of Cognitivist Reduction
The article resituates Ricœur’s theory of métaphore vive in the contemporary context of the so-called “cognitive revolution.” The latter denomination is highly misleading. There is nothing revolutionary about the cognitivist study of metaphor as a general pattern of thought; just like the discipline of rhetoric that was already on the decline in 18th-century Europe, it is conservative in its validation of everyday, ideologically charged language as the model for all language, including that of poetry and art. Ricœur’s conception of “live metaphor,” on the other hand, does justice to the “revolutionary” character of poetic language, its function of breaking the order of “commonplaces we live by”—and are ruled by. A “poem in miniature,” metaphor constitutes the model for any “poietic,” creative imagination. Resulting from a clash, disturbing the common everyday language, live metaphor (and poetry in general) projects a world in such a way as to render strange and thus question the world we live in. (MS)


Brian Tucker
Wilhelm Raabe’s Stopfkuchen and the Ground of Memory
Written in an age of historicism, Wilhelm Raabe’s Stopfkuchen (1891) investigates the relationship between memory and history. The novel shows that structures of identity rest on an image of the past preserved in memory. How, then, does historical study relate to the grounding function of memory? The novel stages two possible practices of history, affirmative and critical, through the figures Eduard and Schaumann. By either confirming or refuting memory’s image of the past, historical study can either support or destabilize structures of identity—at the level of individuals, communities, and even nations. The novel also shows, however, how this dichotomy is itself instable, how the opposing modes of history collapse on one another in their execution. (BT)


Hans Graubner
Rilkes Christus und das Erhabene der Zeit
The sublime as an aesthetic attempt to cope with the shock of being mortal emerges at times of deep-rooted change. The turn from the nineteenth to the twentieth century is such a period, and Rilke can be considered as its representative when dealing with the sublimity of time. In his work, Christ stands for the misunderstanding of time that refuses to comply to its flux fixing it to the dates of salvation. For him, as he shows in his Malte, giving in to this flux is the better passion. In his late poetry, Rilke solves the problem of giving shape to the shapeless by reconciling the beautiful with the sublime making it appear as its visible limitation. This concept of the sublime as the flux of time and the beautiful as a whirl in this flux is exemplified by the interpretation of two characters in Malte and of the sonnet “Tänzerin” in Sonette an Orpheus. (HG) (In German)



Introduction, German Departments in the U.S.A., German Departments in Canada, Promotions, New Appointments, Visitors, Retirements, Necrology, Doctoral Dissertations, Summary

Book Reviews

Aptroot, Marion, Einführung in die jiddische Sprache und Kultur (mit Begleit-CD) (Jerold Frakes)

Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker (CD-ROM) (Marcel Rotter)

Elsaesser, Thomas, Filmgeschichte und frühes Kino. Archäologie eines Medienwandels (Sabine Hake)

Frank, Gustav, Hrsg., Gutzkow lesen! (K. Scott Baker)

Garbe, Joachim, Deutsche Geschichte in deutschen Geschichten der neunziger Jahre (Stephen Brockmann)

Hake, Sabine, German National Cinema (Chris Wickham)

Harder, Matthias, Hrsg., Bestandsaufnahmen. Deutschsprachige Literatur der neunziger Jahre aus interkultureller Sicht (Sabine von Dirke)

Heukenkamp, Ursula, Hrsg., Schuld und Sühne? Kriegserlebnis und Kriegsdeutung in deutschen Medien der Nachkriegszeit (1945–1961) (Andrew Spencer)

Lamping, Dieter, über Grenzen. Eine literarische Topographie (Herbert Knust)

Long, J. J., The Novels of Thomas Bernhard: Form and its Function (Dirk Oschmann)

Lützeler, Paul Michael, Hrsg., Kleists Erzählungen und Dramen. Neue Studien (Erika Berroth)

Mack, Michael, Anthropology as Memory: Elias Canetti’s and Franz Baermann Steiner’s Responses to the Shoah (Dagmar Lorenz)

McCormick, Richard W., Gender and Sexuality in Weimar Modernity: Film, Literature, and “New Objectivity” (Patrice Petro)

Mergenthaler, Volker, “Versuch, ein Dekameron des Unterstandes zu schreiben”: Zum Problem narrativer Kriegsbegegnung in den frühen Prosatexten Ernst Jüngers (Jerker Spits)

Müller, Maria E., Hrsg., Reflexive Naivität. Zum Werk Marieluise Fleißers (Elke Segelcke)

Oksiloff, Assenka, Visual Culture, Ethnography, and Early German Cinema (Sabine Hake)

Pan, David, Primitive Renaissance: Rethinking German Expressionism (Andrew Wisely)

Peitsch, Helmut, Georg Forster: A History of His Critical Reception (Michael Ewert)

Reeve, William C., Grillparzer’s Libussa: The Tragedy of Separation (Edith Borchardt)

Robertson, Ritchie, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Mann (Robert Tobin)

Seifert, Lester W. J., A Word Atlas of Pennsylvania German (Jürgen Eichhoff)

Selbmann, Rolf, Gottfried Keller (Robert Godwin-Jones)

Utz, Peter, Tanz auf den Rändern. Robert Walsers “Jetztzeitstil” (Tamara Evans)

Vanchena, Lorie A., Political Poetry in Periodicals and the Shaping of German National Consciousness in the Nineteenth Century (Fred Betz)

Vonhoff, Gert, Hrsg., Gutzkows Werke und Briefe. Kommentierte digitale Gesamtausgabe (K. Scott Baker)

Index Volume 95 (2003)