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American Orthoptic Journal Abstract

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Volume 48, 1998, p. 9496

The Effect of Dissociation on Stereoacuity (Abstract)
Patricia F. Jenkins, C.O. V., Jeanne Vengco, Gina Rosby, Violet Osunsanya

Stereoacuity is an important factor in assessing a patient's binocularity. If it is good, one often foregoes other therapy including surgery. If a patient with fusion has poor stereo, this can alter the management. If a previously tropic patient obtains gross or fair fusion, this is considered a good result. Some feel sensory fusion is rather fragile and prefer to check the sensory status, including stereoacuity prior to any disruption in fusion. Others have no preference and obtain stereopsis following the motility exam or visual acuity. We did a prospective study on 96 patients and found there was no evidence that stereo should be done before dissociation. In fact, there was a high percentage of patients who improved stereoacuity following the motility exam.